Please Support - Ride for the child

Firstly I’m sorry for not writing much over the past few months – my blog posts seem to have been lacking. I was banging out one a week post university but since starting a new job they seem to have gone AWOL. I think the biggest problem is that I don’t know what to write about these days (and a lack of motivation)!

I was looking through my Google analytics stats last night and they impressed me. Over 20k visitors and 100k page views on both WebKnit and this site. I figured folk must be pretty bored looking at the same content all the time – so we need some more.

I’ve taken note of a few topics that I’m going to write about in the future. I’m trying to avoid boring tutorial type posts and create more personal ones that are connected to the industry – after all they are more appealing to most people (including me).

So this post is dedicated to what I’ve been up to recently.

I started a new job in January at McCann and that’s going really well. I’ve recently dedicated a significant amount of my time to learning JS/jQuery. It’s something that I never really used at university or in my first job – I’ve always preferred design over development. JS is something I need at McCann as it’s an important part of a Front-end developer’s role. So I’m reading and my skill set will eventually include JS (blog post to follow).

I’ve decided my Webknit is going to be redesigned in the next few months with a view to launching around New Year. The current site has done a fantastic job – getting nominated for the .net awards – and it’s probably the best site I’ve made to date. But I’m better than that now and the new one will be spanking.

Worthy of Note (WON) has recently been refurbished and it’s looking – and working – great! The code is spot on too. WON has also had almost 60k page views this year and it seems to be constantly increasing. It’s also key to my social network following, and helps   acquire new followers daily.

My Base template is looking pretty neat now! It has been downloaded 2135 times (to be precise) since it launched late last year. People seem to be coming back, suggesting improvements and asking questions, so I’m really chuffed with that!

November is fast approaching and I’m thinking of partaking in Movember again. Last year I made a photodiary featuring the growth of ten fine mustaches from around the world. I’m not sure I will be making a site this year – but I can’t rule it out!

On a more personal note my mother has now finished all her chemo and is on the road to recovery. Cancer is a shocking thing and you don’t realise just how vile a disease it is until you personally experience it firsthand. So shout out to her for getting through that.

When things like that happen in life it can really put things into perspective.

Life’s precious – don’t waste it!