UTFI presents its 2012 Collection of incomplete
and quirky fonts for public download and general use



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These fonts are free for all use including professional commercial use. I request permission for commercial use and also a jpeg or other picture file of the end product for possible inclusion in my utfi.net website to illustrate the uses to which my fonts are put but that is purely voluntary.

I can guarantee that the fonts downloaded directly from utfi.net are free of viruses, trojans, worms, decent kerning and Central European diacritics. I claim for these fonts no suitability for the user's end purposes and their use and suitability of purpose should be determined and approved by the end user before presentation to his/her final customer. These fonts may not be included in other downloadable packages and all are protected by the international copyright of their creator, Stephen Bird, effective in the current year.

In other words, use these fonts at your own sensible discretion and make creative use of them. I myself have downloaded hundreds of free fonts created by others and the Uusimaa Type Foundry Incorporated is my way of giving back something to the amateur font creation community.

Thanks for your interest. More fonts are on the way so do check www.utfi.net every six weeks or so to see what else is new and possibly useful.

Best wishes from Finland! SB