

September 19, 2012

WebKnit is my freelance website. I wanted to keep my freelance and personal stuff separate. On this website I engage in a load of personal projects and write a load of blog posts. On WebKnit I advertise my services and showcase work that I have made for clients.


It has currently undergone a mass re-branding exercise and is now known as my web workshop. I have focused on WebKnit being the freelance business of myself rather than trying to portray myself as a larger agency. I currently have some exciting project in the pipeline and am looking forward to building a reputable, dependable and impressive small web agency.


There is currently a landing page in place for WebKnit, which can be viewed here. I plan to create a full site once I have more work to showcase and a better idea of how the industry functions.


Ta for reading don’t forget to give it a tweet or a Facebook post if you liked it.


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